Next Sunday it’s Mother’s Day here in the Netherlands which got us wondering since when it became such a negative thing looking “momsy”?
When we look around most women around us are mothers and they all look pretty fabulous to us why maybe it’s time we retook the meaning of “momsy” and turned it into it’s true meaning- life giving, carrying, struggling, strong, beautiful and simply amazing!💗

We know though that a lot of women occasionally struggle not feeling great about themselves and it can be difficult keeping up and feeling your best all the time.
And, we are all quite occupied making others believe we have everything under control but when we start sharing our own stories we quickly realise there are plenty of woman just like us out there.

And its funny how accepted it is to go to the hair dresser getting your hair done, or getting a facial or a manicure or a pedicure, but when it comes to putting together a cohesive wardrobe we're all just supposed to know how to do that. Luckily this is changing and more and more people reach out for help when it comes to their style and how they want to present themselves.
Because the way we look does make a difference. Not only in how other people sees us but also in how we feel about ourselves. It is a cliche and we heard it so many times but it is really the case: life indeed is too short to walk around feeling miserable about how we look. And so what if we got a couple of kilos too much or too little, or if we don't have the perfect arms or legs or butt! It doesn't matter. What we need to do is take what we have and make the best out of it. Discovering our wow colours or the shape that miraculously makes it look like we have a waist will make us feel all inspired again and inspiration is really what makes us going no matter what and where.
So, get your inspiration going:)